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The claws we modelled for the Dragon Chronophage demonstrate our ability to work with both NURBS geometry and facetted models in a single environment.


The project involved modelling the claws for an animated Dragon which forms part of the mechanism for the third Chronophage (derived fron the Greek words for time-eater), a large timepiece conceived and designed by Dr John Taylor


The dragon is the creation of Professor Long of China Academy of Art. We were provided with scan data from an original clay sculpture and required to separate the claws from the legs and the talons from each digit. We added an extra digit and provided mechanical joints for assembly, finally we be shelled the claws to 0.5mm. The models were then laser sintered in titanium (claws) and stainless steel (talons).


This project relied on a combination of refining, sculpting, shelling and various Boolean operations whilst, in the same environment, precise mechanical fixings seamlessly combine with the freeform facetted models.

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